Friday, May 24, 2013


What others are saying:

...Knowledge. Patience. Inspiration. 
Jane has taught me to play tennis, in line skate, improve my swim strokes and inspired me to run half marathons and compete in triathlons. And, she was there every step of the way - with words of encouragement, muscle and stretching advice and an organized training schedule. 

Her approach to training is based on her passion for technique which, combined with her enthusiasm and genuine interest in seeing me (and others) meet their goals, sets her apart.  
She's the very best.   ~~Tamar B. (District of Columbia)
...I have never considered myself athletic. Never, ever did I imagine that I would skate 100K in a day, complete a triathlon or run in a ½ Marathon! In fact, I hated running, never took a swim lesson and biking was something you did if you didn’t want to walk or didn’t have a car! That all changed when I met Jane.
Skating:  Jane is a consummate student and a coach in all sports that she approaches. She reads countless books, watch videos and attend numerous clinics to perfect her skills and knowledge. She shared these techniques which I consistently practiced until it became muscle memory. I learned how to skate not only more efficiently but without pain in my ankles, and knees.   Jane also has a very unique way of inspiring you to go beyond what you think you can never do. I was ‘encouraged’ to enter a 100K Skate which she told me to never, ever give up …and that I could do this. Beyond my belief…I finished the 100K! That was one of the greatest physical accomplishments that I had ever done!!!
Running:  I didn’t know running could be so much fun! Jane not only has the expertise and knowledge about technique, form and running injury free, she also approaches her coaching with endless energy and humor. I was very apprehensive about running any distance and now I have participated in several ½ marathons.
Triathlons:  Putting together the training for my first triathlon seemed overwhelming. I couldn’t run, swim nor bike that distance. Jane’s approach was to break the training down to each discipline. Jane had me do sprints drills and endurance sessions to ensure that I was prepared physically and mentally. She even staged transition training to ensure safe and efficient transition. Finishing that first triathlon was utterly triumphant. I knew at that point, I was an athlete at the age of 49 years old!!!  ~~ Jill R.  (Maryland)
...traumatized by a near drowning experience when I was a teenager, I have never thought I would be able to put my head under the water, let alone swimming.  Incredibly, with the help of Coach Jane, in a short 6 months, not only I have learned how to swim, I was able to join my family in a sprint- tri relay and was able to finish the swimming leg of the race all by myself!  I'm so grateful for Jane's patience and her wonderful techniques in helping me overcome my fear of water.   ~~Minh N. (Maryland)
...Jane has the unique ability to design a workout that stimulates muscles that you may not know you have. If you like the water her aqua jogging workouts are the best because they are no-impact workouts and get results. Her workouts will keep you in shape and injury free!   ~~Patrick F.  (Maryland)

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