Friday, May 31, 2013

Fitness & Performance Training: TRI, Running, Bicycling, Skating, Tennis & Sailing

Say goodbye to ordinary workouts and lack-luster performance.

As a multi-discipline athlete, Certified Coach and NASM Certified Personal Trainer, I design unique & exciting fitness programs - customized to improve your fitness-efficiency and body mechanics.  By assessing your posture, and how you move - I can quickly determine which muscles are tight, and which muscles need to be strengthened.

And that means, you progress faster toward your fitness or athletic performance goals.   While corrective strength and flexibility issues are being solved, I integrate muscle endurance, strength, cardio, agility, power and core training - designed to help you increase your fitness and bio-efficiency.  This approach will help you achieve results faster than you thought possible.  So if your goals are to lose weight,  get fit, reduce injuries, or shave time off of your PR - my unique, science-based, customized "exercise prescription plan" can help you experience results that matter.

About Jane's passion for fitness....

Friday, May 24, 2013


What others are saying:

...Knowledge. Patience. Inspiration. 
Jane has taught me to play tennis, in line skate, improve my swim strokes and inspired me to run half marathons and compete in triathlons. And, she was there every step of the way - with words of encouragement, muscle and stretching advice and an organized training schedule. 

Her approach to training is based on her passion for technique which, combined with her enthusiasm and genuine interest in seeing me (and others) meet their goals, sets her apart.  
She's the very best.   ~~Tamar B. (District of Columbia)
...I have never considered myself athletic. Never, ever did I imagine that I would skate 100K in a day, complete a triathlon or run in a ½ Marathon! In fact, I hated running, never took a swim lesson and biking was something you did if you didn’t want to walk or didn’t have a car! That all changed when I met Jane.
Skating:  Jane is a consummate student and a coach in all sports that she approaches. She reads countless books, watch videos and attend numerous clinics to perfect her skills and knowledge. She shared these techniques which I consistently practiced until it became muscle memory. I learned how to skate not only more efficiently but without pain in my ankles, and knees.   Jane also has a very unique way of inspiring you to go beyond what you think you can never do. I was ‘encouraged’ to enter a 100K Skate which she told me to never, ever give up …and that I could do this. Beyond my belief…I finished the 100K! That was one of the greatest physical accomplishments that I had ever done!!!
Running:  I didn’t know running could be so much fun! Jane not only has the expertise and knowledge about technique, form and running injury free, she also approaches her coaching with endless energy and humor. I was very apprehensive about running any distance and now I have participated in several ½ marathons.
Triathlons:  Putting together the training for my first triathlon seemed overwhelming. I couldn’t run, swim nor bike that distance. Jane’s approach was to break the training down to each discipline. Jane had me do sprints drills and endurance sessions to ensure that I was prepared physically and mentally. She even staged transition training to ensure safe and efficient transition. Finishing that first triathlon was utterly triumphant. I knew at that point, I was an athlete at the age of 49 years old!!!  ~~ Jill R.  (Maryland)
...traumatized by a near drowning experience when I was a teenager, I have never thought I would be able to put my head under the water, let alone swimming.  Incredibly, with the help of Coach Jane, in a short 6 months, not only I have learned how to swim, I was able to join my family in a sprint- tri relay and was able to finish the swimming leg of the race all by myself!  I'm so grateful for Jane's patience and her wonderful techniques in helping me overcome my fear of water.   ~~Minh N. (Maryland)
...Jane has the unique ability to design a workout that stimulates muscles that you may not know you have. If you like the water her aqua jogging workouts are the best because they are no-impact workouts and get results. Her workouts will keep you in shape and injury free!   ~~Patrick F.  (Maryland)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Personal Training - for Overall Fitness

Fitness begins with a good foundation.  If your foundation is flawed (due to sitting at a desk job for many years, or wearing high heels day after day, or just the overall aging process) -- then any fitness you attempt to achieve (without making corrections) will be flawed as well.   

As a Certified Personal Trainer - I will first assess your overall "foundation" -- to determine where any muscle or joint imbalances occur.   Based on this assessment, we will review the results - and then I will prepare an exercise program - customized just for you.   The exercise program will address any muscle or joint imbalances, and will integrate elements to improve flexibility, cardio, core strengthening, weight training and an infusion of drills to keep you light on your feet.  I will keep your body "guessing" -- with workouts that are ever changing, fun, and yet challenging.   See rates and options.  

Posture, Movement & Performance Assessment  
-- complete analysis of your strengths and muscular weaknesses
-- recommendations on correcting weaknesses or imbalances that may impact your running
-- provide you with a plan to help you achieve your athletic performance goals

Develop a Custom Exercise Plan  
-- addresses any joint / muscular weaknesses
-- incorporate your long term goals -- into an attainable daily plan
-- builds on your strengths
-- builds on keeping the routine fun, engaging, and challenging
-- guides you on how to body sense and maintain your good posture
-- strength development and stretching techniques to reduce or avoid injuries

Review and Revise
-- gauge progress and continue the plan / or revise as necessary
-- see the fitness results
-- add new goals to the fitness plan

Personal Training -- For Runners

I work with you one-on-one or in semi-private settings, to help you advance your running in the shortest possible time.  PT for Runner sessions will help you adjust any technique flaws using drills and other feedback, and progress you to becoming an efficient runner.  See rates and options.  

Individual Posture & Technique Assessment  
-- complete analysis of your strengths and muscular weaknesses
-- recommendations on correcting weaknesses or imbalances that may impact your running
-- provide you with a plan to help you achieve your athletic performance goals

Technique development  
-- what is good running form and why it matters
-- how to hold good posture
-- how to listen for your cadence
-- how to sight, and body sense
-- recommendations for strength development and stretching to reduce injuries
-- drills to reinforce technique

Energy Efficiency
-- how to baby step your muscle memory changes
-- how to breathe effectively
-- how to gauge your energy output and efficiency
-- how to handle up/down hills, how to tempo train, build endurance
-- how to manage the triathlon transition from bike to run
-- how to manage your thoughts when you are fatigued

Happy Runner - Ingrain New Muscle Memory and Efficient Injury Free Running  
-- what is good running form and why it matters
-- video and body sensing compared
-- how to advance sensing what your running form is REALLY doing
-- recommendations for strength development and stretching to reduce injuries
-- drills to reinforce technique
-- putting together your running PLAN

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Personal Training -- for Skaters

Whether you are a roller derby quad skater, or inline enthusiast - skaters need to have a strong set of balance, core, cardio and agility skills to excel at this sport.   I will design a custom integrated exercise curriculum that incorporates your joint mechanics with interval training to build explosive power.  A strong core, balance and hip abductors are key to skating success.  See rates and options.

Individual Posture & Technique Assessment  
-- complete analysis of your strengths and muscular weaknesses
-- recommendations on correcting weaknesses or imbalances 
-- provide you with a plan to help you achieve your skating goals

Sailing Balance-Agility-and Strength Conditioning   
-- muscle endurance
-- agility, speed and quickness
-- improving your reaction time
-- strengthen your core to improve balance in unstable conditions
-- balance and flexibility training to avoid injuries 
-- drills to improve explosive power and sustain high end cardio

Personal Training -- for Sailors

Sailing requires a unique combination of balance, a strong core to maintain that balance, and overall strength to hoist and trim sails.   To be your seaworthy best, requires specific fitness training that includes flexibility, agility, core strength and explosive strength.  PT for Sailing sessions helps you - the sailor -  by correcting muscle imbalances that may have been acquired over time, to building a solid foundation to help you "power" your sails!   See rates and options.  

Individual Posture & Technique Assessment  
-- complete analysis of your strengths and muscular weaknesses
-- recommendations on correcting weaknesses or imbalances 
-- provide you with a plan to help you achieve your seaworthy goals

Sailing Balance-Agility-and Strength Conditioning   
-- muscle endurance
-- agility, speed and quickness
-- improving your reaction time
-- strengthen your core to improve sail handling
-- balance and flexibility training to avoid injuries during rough seas
-- drills to improve explosive power

Personal Training -- for Tennis Players

Tennis is a one of the few sports that combines disciplines from speed, quickness, agility, power, endurance and mental toughness.  To be your best in tennis, requires specific training that includes flexibility, strength, cardio and a strong core.   PT for Tennis sessions will help you correct muscle imbalances from over-stress (repetitive motions) and technique tweaks and drills to improve your game.  All sessions are performed on-court.   See rates and options.  

Individual Posture & Technique Assessment  
-- complete analysis of your strengths and muscular weaknesses
-- recommendations on correcting weaknesses or imbalances that may impact your running
-- provide you with a plan to help you achieve your athletic performance goals

Tennis Conditioning and Technique development  
-- muscle endurance
-- agility, speed and quickness
-- improving your reaction time
-- anticipate faster
-- strength development and stretching to reduce injuries
-- drills to reinforce sustainable technique
-- how to baby step your muscle memory changes

Friday, May 10, 2013

Session Rates and Options

Everyone is different, and has different experiences. From needing to lose a few extra pounds, to sitting in an office job all day, to having a "bad knee" to a very fit cyclist who struggles with running - we each have unique challenges. A customized personal training program will addresses your "past", and is designed with your goals in mind. With my professional plan for personal training you will achieve fitness or athletic performance success - faster, safer and smarter.

All personal training begins with an initial session. This session includes a 30 minute assessment of your current activities, posture during movement, past history and goals. Posture assessments will help to determine any structural imbalances that can affect your fitness goals. Once this is established, I will prepare your custom "exercise program" to address your specific strengths and weaknesses. You will receive a detailed written report (same day via email) - of all strengths and weaknesses and how they will be addressed in your exercise program.

  • - Initial Session / 60 min / $75
  • - Personal Training / Private / 60 min / $60
  • - Small Group Training / 4 people / 60 min / $25 ea
  • - Video Technique Analysis for Athletes $75
  • - Workshops / call for rates

Contact me for available dates/times.
I accept credit cards:  VISA/Mastercard/Discover/American Express

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Are you ready to run happy?

Running is primal.  And for some, running even comes naturally.  For the rest of us, running can be the most challenging leg of a triathlon - partly because it is the final leg of the journey and partly because most triathletes put their training energy into the swim and bike – leaving little fuel in the tank for the run.  

Are you a happy runner?  Are you ready to become a more efficient runner, where technique changes can keep you both injury free and lower your energy output?  Then, consider a scientific approach to running – one that is based on movement science -- and not gimmicky shoes, no shoes or running approaches with catchy names.

Coach Jane Wadsworth is a 35 year distance runner having competed in Marathons, Half Marathons, and Triathlons – along with many other distances and sport disciplines in between.  As a nationally ranked tennis player, Mid-Atlantic Tennis Pro of the Year and Certified USPTA/PTR Tennis Instructor – Jane has vast coaching experience with bridging the most efficient injury-free movement patterns and techniques from one sport to another. As an NASM Certified Personal Trainer – Jane combines her passion for efficient, injury free running with knowledge of multi-sport biomechanics – providing a unique running experience for her student athletes.

Everyone learns differently.  Some people prefer one-on-one, some people enjoy small groups and others learn from repeated sessions to encourage efficient muscle memory techniques.   Whether you are a visual learning, or are good at body sensing – Cadence Runner provides you with individual instruction, workshops or clinics and includes video analysis, your own complete posture/movement assessment and drills to help you become a better runner in a shorter period of time.